Why Prominence

Our work is what we do, but our values are who we are. We are a principles-driven organisation, and our values are unshakable, ingrained in every part of our operations. We align with positive values when choosing consultants and do not make concessions on this front.

Our ethical framework is underpinned by policies that cover the following: improving environmental outcomes, social benefits (giving back to the community), domestic and family violence, modern slavery, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, anti-discrimination, bullying and harassment.

Why Prominence? Our work is what we do, but our values are who we are.

Values and culture

Improving environmental outcomes At Prominence we recognise the importance of caring for the environment. We work to embed sustainability within the workplace and work processes through principles to reduce, reuse and recycle.


  • Leveraging electronic and virtual collaboration to reduce printing and travel
  • Procurement processes that value environmental sustainability
  • Delivering all non-critical report materials to clients in electronic format
  • Adoption of general office energy efficiency practices
  • Compliance with legal and contractual requirements relating to environmental issues.


  • Investing in a communications backbone of internet access and online storage and systems
  • All consultants operate from virtual offices, with an option to hot desk at headquarters when necessary.

Giving back to the community

We actively engage with social enterprises and Indigenous owned businesses both as clients and within our supply chain.

Over the past two years, Prominence has provided business coaching to 28 social enterprises as part of the Brisbane City Council’s Social Enterprise program, which helps grow and deliver more social benefits across Brisbane. As part of this work, we have engaged with the Social Enterprise Council and the Social Traders organisation and now proactively support both organisations.

Domestic and family violence

Prominence takes the safety of all our operational staff and consultants, both within and outside the workplace very seriously.

We have a specific domestic and family violence policy and promote a secure work environment, free from sexual, emotional or psychological harm. We ensure that such behaviours are clearly identified as not accepted within any context.

Modern slavery

Our modern slavery policy reflects the Prominence commitment to ensure to the best of our ability that there is no modern slavery in any part of our business operations.

We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, and where possible, to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our own business or supply chain.

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption

Prominence is committed to complying with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate and acting in an ethical manner, consistent with the principles of honesty, integrity, fairness and respect.

Our anti-bribery and corruption policy exists to set out the responsibilities of Prominence and those who work for us in regard to observing and upholding our zero-tolerance position on bribery and corruption. It also exists to act as a source of information and guidance for those working for Prominence and helps them recognise and deal with instances of bribery and corruption as well as understand their responsibilities.

Anti-discrimination, bullying and harassment

Prominence aims to provide a working environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, harassment, bullying, victimisation and vilification.

Our policy on anti-discrimination, bullying and harassment applies to all employees, contractors and consultants engaged by Prominence.